Why Should You Stop Using Commercial Shower Bars and Start Using Handmade Soaps Instead?

Natural or commercial soap, which one is better for the skin? This is a question of many people.  Shower bars are one of the main elements of everyone’s daily skincare routine, as they give a deep and refreshing cleansing to your body. However, two types of soap products are available in the market, one that is made from organic substances, and another that contains chemical compounds.  

But the concern is, which is good for your skin? Definitely not the chemical bar. Therefore,  you must think about using Handmade Soaps as they are completely safe and healthy for your skin and overall body health, in comparison to commercial ones. Want to know how? Then let’s move further in this blog.

What Makes Organic Shower Bars More Safer and Beneficial than Synthetic Soaps?

Soap noodles are used to make commercial soaps that are enriched with care ingredients and fragrances to give them a moisturizing and beloved perfumed scent. Natural bars created in cold-pressed environments are safe and mild as they are made by hand from organic, plant-based ingredients and essential oil, which makes them preferable for your skin health, due to the following reasons:

  • Made from Organic Substances

Simple ingredients like coconut oil, olive oil, and essential oils are used to make these soaps. Chemicals, preservatives, and artificial perfumes are frequently used in the production of synthetic bars. Moreover, they don’t contain any harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin or trigger allergic reactions,  hence, it is excellent for your skin.

  • Consumer Soap May be Unsafe

Many synthetic bar companies have been manufacturing their products with unhealthy chemicals for a long time. Because of this, natural soap manufacturers have begun to appear and become more well-known in recent years. However, what distinguishes them from commercial ones is that they do not contain any artificial substance that can harm your skin.

  • Skin Responds Better to Handmade Bars

Organic soaps are healthier for your skin because they don't include the chemical irritants that conventional bars have, which can cause dryness and irritation. Shea butter, coconut oil, and olive oil are among the substances that they include to hydrate skin without stripping it. Additionally, their low toxicity, biodegradability, and water-saving qualities make them environmentally beneficial. 

 This is why, without giving it any second thought, shift to the naturally made handmade wash bars today if you want to protect your skin from harsh synthetic ingredients and other dangers caused by them. Start using organic bars and see their nourishing and impressive results on your skin, making it smooth and healthy.


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